V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

218 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry the bishop. They will also offer a formation program for young adults in partnership with the Charismatic Renewal. Another diocese is establishing a team to offer the Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers training. The offices of Hispanic ministry and youth and young adult ministry have begun to collaborate. They have also organized a Hispanic Assembly to assist with the implementation of the V Encuentro . The V Encuentro Youth and Young Adult Leadership Initiative (VEYYALI) This major initiative of the USCCB, following up on the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry process, will offer a Certificate of Formation for Catholic Leadership and Service. In con- tinuation of the Encuentro’s objective to develop 25,000 new emerging Hispanic leaders, this project seeks to form Hispanic/Latino young adults and adults working with Hispanic/Latino youth and young adults through a solid certificate program that sets a pathway toward degree pro- grams. The leadership development offered by this project will not only benefit the individuals formed but will undoubtedly provide the Catholic Church with a new, strong, and well-educated cohort of emerging Hispanic leaders. These leaders, who will mirror the Catholic population, will impact and guide the Catholic Church’s nationwide ministry of missionary discipleship for gener- ations to come. National Census of Hispanics/Latinos in Ecclesial Ministry In 2019, the V Encuentro Research Team will compile basic data on all Hispanic/Latino priests, seminarians, and religious, and data on as many Latino lay ecclesial ministers (LEMs) as possible. It is not an outreach directly to individuals, but rather to a variety of diocesan pastoral leaders with oversight of the various categories of ecclesial ministers. A final report of the findings will be prepared in the Fall of 2019, and content from that report will be integrated into a formation module for the V Encuentro Youth and Young Adult Leadership Initiative. The findings will also be reported and disseminated by the V Encuentro in appropriate manners for both academic and pastoral audiences. Pastoral Institutes and Catholic Universities In addition to seeking feedback from the episcopal regions, the members of ENAVE ( Equipo Nacional de Acompañamiento al V Encuentro, the National Accompaniment Team for the V Encuentro ) were invited to share their early responses and plans for implementing the V Encuentro in their ministries. Many replied that in a competitive environment, they would prefer to remain quiet about their plans until they are prepared to unveil them, so the ideas and activ- ities here are only a small sampling of the pastoral efforts that have begun and will be ongoing in the years ahead. Appendix G