V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 219 Appendix G Two regional pastoral organizations nevertheless chose to share some of their near-term prior- ities in light of the V Encuentro experience: the Midwest Catholic Association of Hispanic Ministry (MIDCAHM) and the Southeast Pastoral Institute (SEPI). In both cases, pastoral juvenil hispana figures prominently in their plans, which include conducting listening sessions with young adult leaders, developing a regional network of jóvenes hispanos, creating a summer leadership institute, providing formation programs for pastoral leaders in youth and young adult ministries, and conducting provincial Encuentros, leading to a regional Encuentro for pastoral juvenil in 2020. Other plans include a focus on formation for Hispanic family life, as well as leadership training for intercultural competence and ongoing pastoral leadership formation for Hispanic priests. In addition, one national pastoral institute ( Instituto Fe y Vida ), one diocesan formation institute (the Ministry Formation Institute —MFI—in San Bernardino), and one Catholic university ( The Catholic University of America —CUA) shared some of their early efforts. Both pastoral institutes have reviewed their leadership formation programs and are working to extend their reach either geographically or to the new generations of bilingual leaders, especially young adults, and even extending to adolescent peer leaders. Instituto Fe y Vida’s programs are offered at four levels from foundational to advanced and training of trainers. It is also spearheading the training and formation of bilingual young leaders in a variety of ways, including the publication of an incul- turated translation of La Biblia Católica para Jóvenes into English, in addition to resources and programs for Hispanic/Latino parents. Meanwhile, the MFI is working with the USCCB and the Association for Certification of Lay Ecclesial Ministers (ACLEM) to provide national certifica- tion for students in its advanced programs while giving credit toward completion of graduate degrees through the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). At the same time, CUA has begun outreach to Latinos and their families, helping them to prepare for the college admissions process with a goal to increase the enrollment of Hispanic students. National Catholic Organizations A few national organizations that provide support for particular fields in Catholic ministry have also communicated some initial plans in response to the V Encuentro . At its annual assembly in late 2018, the member institutes of the Federación de Institutos Pastorales (FIP) reviewed the conclusions of the Regional Encuentros and re-affirmed their mission to develop ministry for- mation programs that are intercultural, recognizing that Hispanic/Latino pastoral ministers need to be formed to serve the whole Church, not just Hispanic Catholics. The FIP Board is reaching out to the National Association for Lay Ministry (NALM), to identify ways to collaborate for the benefit of the whole Church. FIP is also focusing on ways to reach and work with Hispanic young adults born in this country, who are disaffiliating from the Church in large numbers. Finally, FIP is exploring ways to help their advanced level students—even those who do not have a B.A.—to qualify for graduate theology studies at institutions accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS).