V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

220 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry The National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana —La RED has initiated a new Proyecto Juvenil Hispano designed to respond to the needs and aspirations of young people and their fam- ilies by promoting a parish and diocesan youth and young adult ministry strengthened by more efficient regional and national structures and channeling resources for formation and pastoral action among young people. In 2019, it will build on the framework of the National Dialogue to promote diocesan and provincial meetings, leading to nine Regional Encuentros de Pastoral Juvenil in 2020. The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) is building on its current offer- ings that address Hispanics/Latinos in service to the young Church to develop formation and training for Hispanic/Latino ministry leaders, intercultural competency training, and strategic col- laborations with members and Hispanic organizations on projects. Among those partnerships are the National Dialogue on Catholic Pastoral Ministry with Youth and Young Adults ( https:// www.nationaldialogue.info/ ), and the Acompañamiento Project: Transforming Parish Ministry with Youth —a collaboration between NFCYM and the Center for Ministry Development, designed to help parishes move beyond a single program or group to an accompaniment model of minis- try that engages the whole parish as mentors and guides for its young members, paying special attention to 2 nd and 3 rd generation Hispanic adolescents. The National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD) has comprehensively reviewed its struc- tures and services to strengthen its ability to respond to the needs of the Hispanic/Latino com- munity in the United States and Puerto Rico. It has elected a young Hispanic leader to its board of directors and is seeking grant funding to increase its outreach and training efforts, such as: training for Hispanic deacons; services in mission dioceses; translating and adapting resource materials; social media posts in Spanish; and expanded outreach and collaboration with national Catholic organizations serving the Hispanic/Latino community and with diocesan directors of Hispanic ministry. Appendix G