V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

222 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry Exhortation on Evangelization in the Modern World, Evangelii Nuntiandi. Through the expe- rience of God’s love incarnate in the child Jesus, the pope foresaw a day in which love truly con- quers every human heart, allowing social strug- gles to give way to transfiguration in Christ. This phrase became the guiding image for pas- toral juvenil throughout Latin America. See also Culture of Encounter. Community of Communities: In his Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America, Pope John Paul II articulated a path to parish renewal by envisioning it as a “community of communi- ties and movements.” The formation of small Christian communities allows for people to gather, overcome the sense of anonymity, hear the word of God, reflect together on the range of human problems, and better cooperate with other social, educational, and community work. (EA 41) See also Small Ecclesial Communities. Conscientization: Sometimes referred to as “consciousness raising,” this is the process that leads a person and a community to become aware of their own reality in contrast with the broader sociocultural and religious context, and eventually take responsibility to transform the reality for a holistic personal and community development, through educa- tion, formation, and action. Consultation: In the V Encuentro, consulta- tion of the People of God took place both for- mally in every session of the Parish, Diocesan, Regional, and National Encuentros, as well as informally through missionary actions to the peripheries and through surveys and inter- views. The insights gathered and shared from the consultation process are documented in these Proceedings and Conclusions , as well as in the various Working Documents that were prepared. See also Encuentro Process in the Church in the U.S. Culture of Encounter: This phrase encapsu- lates the vision of Pope Francis regarding the impact missionary disciples should have in the transformation of the world according to gos- pel values. It reflects the progressive develop- ment of a people of peace, justice, and frater- nity in which individuals are seen first for their dignity as being created in God’s image and likeness out of gratuitous love. Differences of opinion, values, and ideologies are allowed to coexist peacefully while working toward an inclusive social consensus, instead of erupt- ing into conflict or the demonization of one another. ( Evangelii Gaudium, 217-237) See also Civilization of Love. DACA: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, this program of the U.S. government created during the Obama administration granted temporary legal residence to certain undoc- umented children who arrived in the United States before the age of 16, allowing them to go to college, take a job, get a driver’s license, and other privileges. Because it is temporary, deportation proceedings would begin once the term of temporary status expires, unless the status is renewed, or permanent residence is attained. Demographics: Vital statistics regarding age, gender, ethnicity, race, and the concrete liv- ing circumstances that characterize human populations. Frequently generated from census data, demographics can be used to project future trends and to assist educators and pastoral leaders in meeting the needs of a particular segment or group of the larger population they are called to serve. Glossary