V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

224 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry ministry for the last 50 years. It also is com- monly used in reference to periodic gatherings of leaders in Hispanic/Latino ministry to discern pastoral priorities for a ministry specialization or in a parish, diocese, or region. Encuentro Process in the Church in the U.S.: In the United States, the Encuentros of Hispanic/Latino Ministry have entailed two to four years of ecclesial reflection and action that invite people into intense consultation, leader- ship development, missionary activity, and the identification of successful pastoral practices in the spirit of the New Evangelization. See also Consultation and Missionary Action. Ethnicity: A person’s cultural background or ancestral cultural heritage. Ethnicity is not the same as race, since a person may claim an eth- nic identity irrespective of their race. The U.S. Census Bureau tracks five racial categories and Hispanic/Latino ethnicity separately. See also Race and Racism. Evangelization: The proclamation of the Good News ( evangelion in Greek) that Christ is risen from the dead and has opened the door to the fullness of life on earth and eter- nal life in heaven for all humanity. It is carried out by the People of God by word and deed, through the witness of a good and holy life and by inviting people of every age to the ends of the world to receive the Good News and enter into communion with the Church. This proclamation also has a social dimension. See also Evangelization of Culture, Inculturation, Rejoicing, and Social Mission. Evangelization of Culture: The transforma- tion of a culture in accordance with the life and mission of Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit who guides the flourishing of the Gospel when it enters in dialogue with a particular culture. Christians are called to live as Christ in the world, shaping the culture by the attractiveness of their example, and by engaging in a process to embed gospel values in social structures, institutions, art, laws, and cultural norms. See also Inculturation and Civilization of Love. Grupo Juvenil: A regularly-scheduled gather- ing of older adolescents and/or single young adults for the purpose of living their faith, pas- toral accompaniment, and catechetical forma- tion, usually operating in Spanish or in a bilin- gual setting. See also Pastoral Juvenil Hispana. Hispanic: A broad ethnic category mostly used in the United States to describe peo- ple of Spanish-speaking ancestry, including Spaniards and their descendants who may never have passed through Latin America. This term attained broad usage after it was incorporated into the U.S. Census of 1970, at which point it was also embraced by the Church with the emergence of a national awareness of Hispanic ministry at that time. See also Latino. Historical Memory or Memoria Histórica: The history of the cultural, social, and spiri- tual journey of a people that has encouraged a living faith over a period of decades or cen- turies. This communal memory deserves to be known, passed on, and imitated, as it encom- passes the heart of the people’s shared identity. ICE: Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the U.S. federal government agency respon- sible for, among other things, the immigration enforcement process, including identifying, Glossary