V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

226 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry as paid staff, they are considered lay eccle- sial ministers. In the V Encuentro consultation, an attempt was made to establish an official count of Hispanic/Latino lay ecclesial minis- ters. Due to the variety of standards for rec- ognizing LEMs from one diocese to the next, the criterion was set as having received pas- toral/theological formation adequate to their role, authorization to exercise leadership of a particular ministry, and a minimum of 20 hours per week dedicated to that role. See also Lay Ministry. Lay ministry: The apostolate of lay persons, both in terms of service within the institutions and movements of the Church ( ad intra) and in terms of its evangelizing and social mission to the broader world (ad extra ) in fulfillment of their baptismal anointing as priest, prophet, and king. See also Lay Ecclesial Minister. Mentoring: Mentoring is a component of both pastoral ministry—especially youth and young adult ministry—and leadership forma- tion for ministry in the Church. In this process, young people or aspiring new leaders in a ministry learn the skills needed for a particu- lar leadership role by first watching or assist- ing a more experienced leader in the exer- cise of their role. At a later time, they begin to carry out the role themselves, with direct supervision. Once they have internalized the pastoral and theological vision of a particular ministry and acquired the skills necessary to fulfill their role effectively, they may begin to mentor others to succeed them. Mission: The Church was born “primarily of Christ’s total self-giving for our salvation, anticipated in the institution of the Eucharist and fulfilled on the cross.” ( Catechism of the Catholic Church, 766) As the visible Body of Christ on earth, the Church makes its own the mission of Jesus Christ. It is accomplished by proclaiming the Good News to all people, welcoming them into the sanctifying grace of the sacraments. See also Social Mission. Missionary Action: In the process of the V Encuentro, between each of the first four small group reflection sessions, participants were asked to carry out a missionary action. This action consisted of a visit to an individual or family in the “peripheries” of their commu- nity. Once completed, their experiences were reported to the small group and summarized in their Parish Working Document, forming the basis of the Echoes of the Encounters in the Peripheries in this document. See also Peripheries. Missionary Disciples: In 2005, Pope Benedict XVI approved as the theme for the V General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean: “Disciples and mission- aries of Jesus Christ, so that our peoples in Him may have life. – ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life’ (Jn 14:6).” With this as the theme, the Latin American Bishops declared that in virtue of baptism and confirmation, Catholics are called to be missionary disciples of Jesus Christ ( Aparecida, 153). Pope Francis brought this idea to the rest of the world, with the explanation that by our baptism we have already become missionary disciples. (Evangelii Gaudium, 120). Through baptism, all are called to follow Jesus Christ and joy- fully bring the Good News to others, and the V Encuentro provided a way for Catholics to give a practical response to this call. Mística: The motivations, profound values, traditions, prayer, music, art, and methodolo- gies that give life to a process of the people, Glossary