V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 227 Glossary create experiences of faith, and generate a spirituality that incentivizes faith and ministry. Participation: In Latin America following the Second Vatican Council, the word “ partici- pación” was used extensively in pastoral doc- uments, often combined with “ comunión ,” to express the involvement of the faithful in the social, political, religious, and especially the ecclesial structures and activities that shaped their lived reality. Thus, in most pastoral docu- ments for Hispanic/Latino ministry, it is under- stood in a broader sense than is connoted in English. It means that the people have a voice in defining and/or shaping the pastoral plans and programs to which they are subject. In contrast, the Church in North America interpreted the conciliar teaching on the full participation of the faithful primarily in terms of the liturgy. See also Ecclesiology of Communion and Synodality. Pastoral Circle: In its most basic form, the Pastoral Circle consists of the “See, Judge, Act” methodology that engages the faithful in a process to deepen their understanding of their social, cultural, and religious reality (See), followed by a reflection on that real- ity in the light of Scripture and the Catholic faith (Judge), leading to the discernment of a response to God’s call to transform the real- ity in accordance with Gospel values (Act). In Hispanic/Latino ministry in general, and in the Encuentros of Hispanic/Latino Ministry in particular, the Pastoral Circle has been the preferred methodology to carry out pastoral discernment and planning at all levels in the Church. Typically, “Celebrate” and “Evaluate” are added to complete the circle and prepare to begin anew. 68 USCCB, Leaven for the Kingdom of God , n. 3.2. Pastoral Conversion: “Part of an effort to make [the Church] more mission-oriented, to make ordinary pastoral activity on every level more inclusive and open, to inspire in pasto- ral workers a constant desire to go forth and in this way to elicit a positive response from all those whom Jesus summons to friendship with himself.” ( Evangelii Gaudium, 27) Pastoral de Conjunto: The harmonious coor- dination of all elements of pastoral ministry, the actions of all the pastoral ministers. It is not only a methodology, but also the expression of the essence and mission of the Church, to be and to create communion, including the promotion of the well-being of all and care for their holiness. 68 It entails the coordination of all structures with a common objective: the Reign of God. Coordination involves commu- nication, shared responsibility, and the own- ership of the project on the part of pastoral leaders, which in turn requires the participa- tion of the leaders in the pastoral planning process. See also Synodality. Pastoral Formation: Studies and preparation for pastoral service in the Church, including human development, the spiritual life, theo- logical studies, and principles and skills for pas- toral leadership. Should include an element of practical experience and mentorship, in accor- dance with guidelines set by the experience and tradition of the universal and local Church. Pastoral Juvenil Hispana: This phrase in Spanish connotes Hispanic/Latino youth and young adult ministry, usually serving sin- gle young people between the ages of 16 and 30 in Spanish or in a bilingual setting.