V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

230 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry Rejoicing: The fruit of receiving the Good News is joy—a contagious joy that missionary disciples feel compelled to share, as did the newly baptized eunuch (Acts 8:39) and the dis- ciples at the sight of the risen Lord (Jn 20:20), among many other passages in Scripture. Rejoicing is the essence of the via pulchritudi- nis, the path of beauty that leads human hearts and souls to God (Evangelii Gaudium, 167). It is also the emblem of the fifth moment of the V Encuentro process, based on Evangelii Gaudium 24. The verb utilized in the Spanish version is “ festejar ,” which emphasizes better the connection to daily life, celebrating the joy of missionary disciples en lo cotidiano . Pope Francis also makes the connection between the joy of the Gospel and beauty in the liturgy, which in this regard is both a celebration of the task of evangelization and the source of the Church’s renewed self-giving. Small Ecclesial Communities: Small or basic ecclesial communities ( pequeñas comuni- dades eclesiales in Spanish) are places “where the faithful can communicate the Word of God and express it in service and love to one another; these communities are true expres- sions of ecclesial communion and centers of evangelization, in communion with their pastors.” ( Christifideles Laici, 26) See also Community of Communities. Social Analysis or Analysis of the Reality: In Hispanic/Latino ministry, analysis of one’s own social, cultural, and religious reality is the starting point for any communal discernment process or pastoral planning. In the context of Catholic Social Teaching, it refers to seeking to understand the root causes of injustice in the light of our faith. See also Pastoral Circle. Social Mission: The social mission of the Church entails all actions that follow from Catholic Social Teaching. The mission of the Church is evangelization ( Evangelii Nuntiandi, 14), and evangelization is not complete with- out taking into account the interplay of the Gospel and the life of humanity, both per- sonal and social. The Church has the duty to proclaim peace, justice, and development— and to assist in their coming to life in every social context. ( EN 29-30) See also Catholic Social Teaching. Synod: Since the early Church, the word “synod” has been applied to the ecclesial assemblies convoked on various levels (dio­ cesan, provincial, regional, universal) to dis- cern, by the light of the Word of God and listening to the Holy Spirit, the doctrinal, litur- gical, canonical, and pastoral questions of the day. Since 1965, the Vatican periodically con- vokes the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to address pastoral concerns of inter- est to the universal Church. These Synods are normally followed by the issuance of an Apostolic Exhortation by the Holy See that gives doctrinal and pastoral expression to the voice of the Synod Fathers. Since 2018, with the constitution Episcopalis Communio , the final document adopted by a Synod of Bishops, when approved by the pope, accrues to the “ordinary magisterium” or teaching authority of the Church. Synodality: Synodality is an expression of the ecclesiology of communion. It means that the whole Church and everyone in the Church is commissioned to take the initiative in the mission of Christ. The baptized are all walk- ing together as companions on the journey and are called to play an active role as they Glossary