V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 17 • Five Sessions and Parish Encuentros – January to June 2017. Each region and each diocese established a process calendar according to the local needs. A total of 2,150 parishes and organiza- tions conducted the process of the five sessions and about 1,575 also held their Parish Encuentro . Based on the reports provided to the National Team, there were more than 1,200 trainings for par- ish teams and small group facilitators, with over 30,000 people trained, roughly 142,000 people who participated in the process at the level of small groups in parishes, schools, and organizations, and about 211,000 more who were visited in the missionary actions. • Diocesan Encuentros – August 2017 to April 2018. During these months, 144 dioceses celebrated their Diocesan Encuentro, with the participation of almost 47,000 delegates. They devel- oped their Working Documents based on the consultations in the five sessions and the Parish Encuentros . More than 52,500 consultations were analyzed with the help of an online system to collect the data. A diocesan survey on Hispanic ministry and Hispanics in ministry was also launched, to which 100% of the territorial dioceses in the U.S. responded—177 in total. • Regional Encuentros – February to June 2018. The results of the diocesan surveys were published along with demo- graphic research for each diocese and region in the country. See Appendix E for the topline results at the national level. The Regional Teams were responsible for planning and implementing the Regional Encuentros , and the National Team pro- vided support in the preparation of the Regional Working Documents, incor- porating an analysis based on the 28 Ministerial Areas that emerged from the consultation. All fourteen regions held their Regional Encuentros , with a total participation of 5,182 delegates and 118 bishops. • National Encuentro – September 20 to 23, 2018. During these four days, 3,470 delegates, organizational representa- tives, exhibitor staff, media, volunteers, and other participants gathered for the celebration of the V Encuentro National Event. A profile of those present can be found in Appendix C. The National Working Document tied together every- thing that had been learned through the consultations and Parish, Diocesan, and Regional Encuentros as a tool to help the delegates discern pastoral guidelines and name exemplary pastoral practices for the future of Hispanic/Latino ministry in the United States. • Proceedings and Conclusions – October 2018 to Fall 2019. This document—the Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry —presents the process, conclu- sions, and recommendations received from all of the delegates, not only during the V Encuentro National Event, but also fromall of the Encuentros that preceded it. The preparation encompassed the review of more than 1,200 pages of table group notes, summarizing their contents, and engaging bishops and pastoral leaders to review and approve the conclusions. • Regional and Diocesan In-Services – July 2019 to June 2020. As of this writ- ing, plans are currently in place to conduct Process and Methodology