V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 23 lengthy this may prove to be. It is famil- iar with patient expectation and apostolic endurance. Evangelization consists mostly of patience and disregard for constraints of time.” ( EG 24) • Bearing fruit – Fruits of new life. It was in the breaking of the bread that the disci- ples’ eyes were opened to recognize Jesus in their midst, and despite the late hour, they returned immediately to Jerusalem. (Lk 24:29-33a) For the missionary disci- ple, there is a real urgency to share the Good News with others and to work for the transformation of unjust social reali- ties, as Pope Francis highlights: “Faithful to the Lord’s gift, [the community] also bears fruit. An evangelizing community is always concerned with fruit, because the Lord wants her to be fruitful. It cares for the grain and does not grow impatient at the weeds. The sower, when he sees weeds sprouting among the grain does not grumble or overreact. He or she finds a way to let the word take flesh in a par- ticular situation and bear fruits of new life, however imperfect or incomplete these may appear. The disciple is ready to put his or her whole life on the line, even to accepting martyrdom, in bearing witness to Jesus Christ, yet the goal is not to make enemies but to see God’s word accepted and its capacity for liberation and renewal revealed.” ( EG 24) • Rejoicing – Celebrating the joy of being missionary disciples. The disciples described the joy of their encounter with the Lord as a burning in their hearts that only grew stronger when they shared the experience with others. (Lk 24:32-35) For the Holy Father, this joy finds its greatest expression in the communal celebration of the liturgy: “Finally an evangelizing community is filled with joy; it knows how to rejoice always. It celebrates every small victory, every step forward in the work of evangelization. Evangelization with joy becomes beauty in the liturgy, as part of our daily concern to spread goodness. The Church evangelizes and is herself evangelized through the beauty of the liturgy, which is both a celebration of the task of evangelization and the source of her renewed self-giving.” ( EG 24) To summarize, the V Encuentro process was a true experience of synodality and missionary discipleship, inspired by a model of church that goes forth. The process of reflection, evangelization, consultation, and pastoral discernment invited Catholic faith communi- ties, schools, movements, organizations, and groups in the United States to: A. Experience being a Church that goes forth. B. Participate in a process of reflection and faith sharing in small groups. C. Contemplate the call to be missionary disciples. D. Engage inevangelizingmissionaryactions and consultations in the peripheries. E. Document the experience and the process of consultation to discern pastoral implications. F. Make the transition from small groups into small faith communities. V Encuentro as a Model and Guide