V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

26 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry open and non-judgmental questions that were asked during the missionary actions in the peripheries and now serve as a model of pastoral accompaniment. • Hispanic/Latino ministry prioritizes the young, families, women, and those in the peripheries —including undocu- mented immigrants, DREAMers, diverse generations, families with insufficient eco- nomic resources for a dignified life or who are suffering in countless ways, as well as the professionals in our midst who some- times are neglected amid a sea of urgent pastoral needs—always with a focus on justice and human development. These priorities permeated the conversations at every level of the V Encuentro and are deeply ingrained in these Proceedings and Conclusions, thereby setting an example to be followed by all pastoral ministers. • Hispanic/Latino ministry fosters ecclesial vocations and formation forministry. The Church is in dire need of Latino ministers with theological and pastoral formation to serve in Hispanic ministry and beyond. By modeling the use of the Pastoral Circle as a tool for ministry in small groups and pastoral planning, as well as providing the participants with an experience of the joy of sharing their faith and reaching out to others in need, the V Encuentro has opened doors for leaders in the Hispanic/ Latino community to hear the call of the Holy Spirit to ecclesial ministry. • In Hispanic/Latino ministry, faith forma- tion is driven by missionary encoun­ ters and proclamation of the kerygma, leading to communion and participa­ tion. Relating faith to life experience and pastoral context, motivated by experi- ences of liberation and radical sacrificial love through personal encounters with the living Christ in the Church, is understood as the key to unlock a lifelong process of deepening understanding of the faith and a commitment to live it in daily life. In the V Encuentro process, catechesis was never seen primarily in terms of imparting knowl- edge of Catholic doctrine. Rather, faith formation was lived through a process of reflection on the mysteries of our faith as they relate to the needs and sufferings, joys and hopes of the community—always situated in its proper relationship to evan- gelization, communion, and participation. THE IMPACT AND MISSION OF THE V ENCUENTRO CONTINUE The V Encuentro was blessed with an unprece­ dented level of awareness and accompa- niment of Hispanics/Latinos by the U.S. Bishops and other church leaders in parishes, dioceses, Catholic schools, movements, and other Catholic organizations and institutions. During the process, the person responsible for Hispanic ministry in participating dioceses typically gained more access to the bishop, to financial and human resources, and expe- rienced a greater level of collaboration with other offices and departments. In at least 50 dioceses and numerous ministry organi- zations, pastoral institutes, publishers, and Catholic schools and universities, the capac- ity for Hispanic ministry grew in terms of their budgets, and in some cases, personnel were added, or positions were upgraded. These relationships and staffing changes will have a lasting effect on Hispanic/Latino ministry in the Catholic Church for years. V Encuentro as a Model and Guide