V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 35 Keynote: Taking the First Step – Most Rev. Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, reviewed the six charac- teristics of an evangelizing Church in the light of Evangelii Gaudium and Pope Francis’ vision for a Church being reformed through a new missionary spirit. The first characteristic of an evan- gelizing Church is that it never stops going forward. It is directed towards the spiritual and exis- tential peripheries and demands the courage to leave the comfort zones in order to encounter the other. Complementing the first, is initiative. This second characteristic is needed in order to go to the peripheries in the same manner that God has taken initiative with us. In this sense, we must be spiritual entrepreneurs of Christ. Next, the evangelizing community is committed to its members without reservation. Pope Francis speaks of being shepherds with the “smell of the sheep.” The gospel must embrace human life and participate in its reality, including physical, spiritual, and social suffering. In addition, the community of disciples accompanies others by guiding, encouraging, support- ing, and uniting. Today, the Church accompanies through its synodal nature. This is one of the most significant expressions of the ecclesial community because it renews the life and practice of the faith. By accompanying others, it is possible to enter into the art of dialogue. Fifth, a mis- sionary community is always fruitful. This fruitfulness requires discernment and patience, for it is necessary to discern between what is sown by God and what is not. Finally, the evangelizing community is joyful. Joy is the greatest experience of being Church, just as the Eucharist nur- tures the life of this Church. It is a joy different from that of this world, for it is a joy that lasts. “Pastoral conversion takes place in the recognition that people’s religious experiences, including those of Latinos, are an authentic place of encounter with God.” “The Encuentro process has shown the effectiveness of synodality in the Church – listening, speaking, participating by asking critical questions, and discerning the path forward. If communion is a sharing of the faithful in the mysteries of faith and mission of the Church, synodality is the sign and fulfillment of communion.” Taking the First Step