V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 43 On a larger scale, they dream of greater stabil- ity in their home countries, so that they might be free from violence and poverty. A responsive Church. The voices from the peripheries quickly extended what they hoped for in social relationships to what they dreamed they might see happen in the Church. First and foremost, they described the qualities they would like to see among the priests and pastoral teams: bilingual and bicultural, present in the Hispanic com- munity, capable of leading and guiding the young people, and having a pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry with organized and sys- tematic formation for all. Others imagined an expansion of the diaconate program in Spanish, greater hospitality and outreach, collaboration and mutual respect among the movements, bridges to social services in the community, and offices for Hispanic ministry in parishes and dioceses. Inspired by the V Encuentro itself, some spoke of a hope that new ministries would be created to visit peo- ple in the peripheries and attend to the needs of the most vulnerable. The missionary consultations turned up hun- dreds of suggestions for services and minis- tries to be offered by the Church. Some of the more common ideas include: sports and activ- ities for young people and families; flexible Mass times in Spanish, outside working hours; dynamic catechesis for children as well as family-based catechesis; groups for Hispanic young people in which they are leaders and protagonists in the ministry to their peers; scripture study, theology, and apologetics for adults and youth; greater communications on radio, television, and through the internet or social media; services for the poor; formation for liturgical ministries; spiritual direction for individuals, especially leaders in the com- munity; retreats for evangelization and voca- tional discernment; building a relationship between Hispanic ministry and the Catholic schools; and a comprehensive preparation for matrimony. One common theme in all of these dreams is that the services should be without charge or at a low cost. Spiritual growth and closeness to God. Along with the hopes and dreams for personal growth and happiness, many expressed a real desire to know God and grow in their spiri- tual lives. For some this involved a dream that they might be able to receive all of their sac- raments. For others, it centered on the hope of eternal salvation and glory in the presence of the Most High. Many of the other hopes that they might have for themselves or for the Church could be seen as pathways to achieve this primary goal in life, both for themselves and their children, including greater partic- ipation at church and in daily prayer, espe- cially the Rosary, and learning to share the Good News without fear or trepidation. Gifts and Talents One of the great contributions of the V Encuentro was asking the people in the peripheries what gifts and talents they have that could be useful in the life of the Church. The responses ranged from simple to sophis- ticated, and they were received in huge num- bers, demonstrating the generosity of God in providing everything the Church needs to carry out its mission. It would not be possi- ble or helpful in this space to catalog all of the gifts and talents mentioned. However, there are four categories that can be used to Echoes of the Encounters in the Peripheries