V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 49 A t the V National Encuentro , delegates had the opportunity to deepen the dialogue that began in their Regional Encuentros . On Friday, September 21, there were two breakout sessions in which the del- egates gathered with peers from their own region. At the start of the morning Regional Session, they formed table groups of 8 to 10 delegates, with an assigned facilitator and note-taker at each table. Some tables were designated as English-only or Spanish-only, and in some cases, there were tables set aside for young adult delegates to engage in conver- sation with their peers. During the session, each table group discussed one of the following two questions in depth: 1. What are the most important ways that the hopes and dreams of the Hispanic/ Latino community can serve to inspire the Catholic Church in the United States to become joyful missionary disciples, going forth to reach our brothers and sisters in the peripheries without hesitation? 2. What are the most important ways that the gifts and talents of Hispanics/Latinos can be used to address the obstacles, needs, and situations that requirepastoral attention so that Hispanics/Latinos may reach their potential in the Church in the United States, as well as U.S. society? Before leaving the session, each table group shared the main idea or recommendation that surfaced during their conversation with all of the delegates from their region. Those ideas were recorded by the Regional Session Recorder, and between two and four Designated Listeners gathered later in the day to prepare a report on what they saw and heard, which was presented during the Friday afternoon Regional Reporting Plenary Session. The assigned table group note-tak- ers from the morning session turned in 312 pages of hand-written notes which were then analyzed by the V Encuentro Research Team. The main findings from that analysis follow. Hispanics/Latinos Inspiring Joyful Missionary Discipleship in the Church A new model of Church. Delegates spoke of the many ways the experience of the V Encuentro has transformed their mentality from being an immigrant people in search of a place to belong, to becoming mission- aries going out to welcome others who feel lost or alone, especially in the peripheries. The process has demonstrated that Latinos are willing to risk trying something new, giv- ing their all in the struggle, and persevering in the face of any challenge—all to share the Good News of our faith. Their devotion and willingness to sacrifice for family and commu- nity set an example for others to follow, and above all they are demonstrating that when the Church goes forth to encounter Christ in the peripheries, joy overcomes fear every time. The fruits are abundant both personally and for the community. In a Church that goes forth, the ecclesial inte- gration of many cultures into the one Body of Christ, united by faith and mission is essen- tial. Diversity of language, culture, spirituality, needs, and gifts are not an obstacle to unity, but rather they can and should enrich the body, with solidarity between groups and support for all. Leaders in pastoral juvenil hispana are daily demonstrating the value and blessings that come to the community when young people are Regional Session 1