V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

50 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry supported by the faith community and encour- aged to strengthen their cultural and religious roots with their peers, while adapting to and actively transforming the world around them in accord with gospel values. Welcome and hos- pitality are core values that must be embodied in action and service, beginning with personal invitation. The language of love in service over- comes every artificial division that otherwise might separate the People of God. Through the V Encuentro , Hispanics/Latinos are forging new paths in the Church for others to follow. Above all it is the path of authen- tic and joyful missionary discipleship, which was experienced and shared profoundly at the National Event. Dedication to prayer in community, especially in the liturgy, leads to communion and mission. Everything flows from the experience of being infinitely loved by God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which makes us zealous to give witness to God’s love, by word and deed. This does not happen by accident—it is intentional and involves a daily commitment to continue the journey as missionary disciples. With creativ- ity and at times even audacity, we do it! Young people and families. Among young Hispanics/Latinos, the diverse generations (immigrant, 1.5, 2 nd, and 3 rd +) have much to teach and learn from one another. They may see the world with different eyes, but at heart they share hopes and dreams for a better future, and strengthening their cultural and religious identity is the surest pathway to get there. The young delegates gave witness that they are ready to inspire and evangelize their peers. Every grupo juvenil can leverage their hopes to become vehicles for community, formation, and mission. Latino young adults can also be bridge builders in the broader community, since many of them have a foot in both cultural worlds. Young Hispanics/Latinos do not encounter the Church only as individuals, but first and fore- most as members of a family. Their parents want to have strong and united families, and their dream is to give their children more than they had: education, health, wisdom, faith, and a good life, free of the struggles so many have experienced. In the Church, families that have navigated this pathway by the light of faith can become role models and mentors for other families who still struggle at times in darkness. In this way they become a family that witnesses to what it means to be the domestic church. They are ready—the Church just needs to send and support them as missionary disci- ples to families in the peripheries. Formation in faith and for ministry. The V Encuentro consultation demonstrated that there is a strong desire in the peripheries of the Hispanic/Latino community to learn more about the faith, and among the missionary disciples to share their spiritual gifts while they continue to grow in faith. This combina- tion only needs to be activated with a little encouragement from pastoral leaders so that engaged individuals and families can encour- age others to value faith formation and partic- ipation in the spiritual life and mission of the parish community. Always, the faith should be transmitted “in culture,” meaning in com- bination with the historical memory and rich traditions and devotions of Hispanic/Latino spirituality, especially through the various advocations of our Mother Mary who walks with us. Regional Session I