V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 53 “community of communities” approach that allows for the multiplication of groups and leaders with a diversity of schedules, settings, and pastoral responses to meet the needs of more young people. Forming and strengthening families. The wisdom received in the V Encuentro consul- tation is that parents are not only called, but are also in the best position to effectively transmit the Catholic faith to their children. Nevertheless, many Hispanic/Latino parents struggle to find effective ways to give their children an experience of encounter with the living Christ and to nurture the seeds of faith in a culture that they sometimes do not understand, yet which holds great power over their children. In this regard, the Hispanic/ Latino community itself is blessed with pas- toral, academic, and social professionals who can provide guidance from their awareness of effective practices at home. Peer groups for formation in faith, Scripture study, prayer, and/ or parental support can also help. Sometimes it is enough to know that others are experi- encing the same challenges and can journey together in faith to find solutions. Responding to particular needs. Beyond the issues already addressed, the table group conversations did not get into specifics about needs in the Hispanic/Latino community, with one exception. Some did focus on the needs of immigrants and their families—especially those either separated or in danger of sepa- ration due to immigration status. They called for Hispanic/Latino citizens and permanent residents to collaborate with their bishops to raise their prophetic voice in favor of a com- prehensive and just immigration reform. They also asked for the Church to accompany the community in finding ways to assist its own members, either with legal guidance or direct assistance when needed. Beyond this, the del- egates recommended a continual reflection on local needs, through a process of social analysis in the light of our faith. The fruits of that process will come in the form of specific actions by which the members of the commu- nity can take responsibility for the transforma- tion of their own reality. This is the Pastoral Circle (See, Judge, Act) methodology in action, bearing fruit for the good of the community from within. May God bless the Hispanic/ Latino community with many missionary disci- ples to carry out this mission! Regional Session I