V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

56 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry Reflections: Most Rev. John Charles Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe Most Rev. Mario Dorsonville-Rodríguez, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington Bishop and Young Adult Dinner Encounter Hosts: Most Rev. Edward Burns, Bishop of Dallas Most Rev. Alberto Rojas, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago Emcees: BrendaNoriega, YoungAdult Ministry Coordinator for theDiocese of San Bernardino Luis Peña, Assistant to the Director of the Office of Hispanic Ministry and Hispanic Outreach Coordinator for the Archdiocese of New York SUMMARY OF KEYNOTE AND PLENARY REFLECTIONS Keynote: Standing by People with Apostolic Endurance – Most Rev. Daniel E. Flores, Bishop of Brownsville It is in the act of accompanying that the mystery of Jesus and his Kingdom is to be found. Thus, discerning how to accompany the way Jesus did reminds us that this particular word is a verb and not a noun. In the mystery of the Incarnation, it is the all-powerful God who comes down to earth to accompany us, so that we can, by grace, know the truth. Jesus’ desire to accompany the people is discovered in the intimacy of his actions. He listened to their questions, corrected them, and explained the parables. This model of accompaniment is one to be imitated—being accompanied so that we may in return accompany others. Even after the Paschal sacrifice, he sent the Holy Spirit so that, in his own way, he would continue to accompany us. The Diocese of Brownsville is an important place to learn what it means to accompany, since thousands of people cross the border fearing for their lives. Many have shown up on their path to welcome them with a smile. Bishop Flores says we must go out and contemplate the face of Christ in the invisible ones of the world because charity is not a strategy, it is the closeness of Jesus. A Church that does not do so becomes atrophied. “Who are the poor today?” the Bishop asked himself. Pregnant teens who do not want to have an abortion. Immigrants who live in the shadows of society. Young people trapped by drugs, gangs, or suicidal thoughts. Are we meeting Jesus who lives in the poor? When we can accompany with humility and sincerity, we discover that it is God who has been accompanying us. Accompanying