V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 57 “We need to find time to go out and find ways to accompany the poor. The Church goes out or she becomes atrophied.” “He waits for us among them, and when we accompany them, with humility and sincerity, we discover that it is the Lord who accompanies us.” Regional Plenary Reflection 1 – Most Rev. John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe Archbishop Wester’s reflection navigated the question of how being a missionary disciple can help people in the peripheries to realize their hopes and dreams. One thing that can keep any- one from realizing their dreams and hopes is fear. Many families in the peripheries live in fear. They fled their country, started their journey to the United States, and remain in fear because we have failed to welcome them in this country. How does a missionary disciple respond to these pastoral needs? For the Archbishop, the answer comes from the Gospel of Saint Luke. In the words of Jesus, fear is useless and what is needed is trust—trust in Jesus Christ. Therefore, true communion with Jesus brings new life and dispels fear. As missionary disciples, the task at hand is to deepen our relationship with Christ and be passionate about bringing his presence to others. Christ’s presence emboldens us to be present to one another by spending time with one another—to encounter one another, and to journey together as we give ourselves to those in need. “As missionary disciples we must experience the presence of Christ and be passionate about bringing that presence to others. How do we do it? It seems to me we do it principally by just being with people and giving them of our time.” “This is what I think we need to do as missionary disciples – stay present to Jesus, let his presence embolden us to be present to one another and to spend time with one another.” Regional Plenary Reflection 2 – Most Rev. Mario E. Dorsonville-Rodríguez, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington Based on his experience as lead bishop of Region IV, Bishop Dorsonville said we must go beyond the traditional forms of evangelization, for it is necessary to be a Church that is capable of going out into the streets and the peripheries to look for people thirsty for the message of Jesus Christ. In order to do so, education of the Hispanic leaders must be a joint effort that is borne from dioceses and parishes in collaboration with the institutions of higher education. It is necessary to seek and develop professional training opportunities addressing the specific needs of adolescents, young adults, and families. Accompanying