V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

58 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry Second, we must examine the impact from the increase of children from immigrant communi- ties on the Catholic educational system. From there, the presence of immigrants is understood and valued as a gift that enriches, rather than seen as a detriment or as a threat. Third, since the immigration system is broken, the Church must practice accompaniment in solidarity with all those who feel alienated and alone, especially due to the separation of their families. Fourth, we must be aware of the effects of being immersed in a materialistic culture. This factor makes it imperative to work with the present and the future of the Church: the young. It is nec- essary to measure the impact that catechesis has on their lives. The formation of young people must be nourished by contact with their parents, because they are the main transmitters of moral values. In conclusion, Bishop Dorsonville emphasized that the V Encuentro will mobilize us to a mission that flows from the very people of the community—a mission that must be ful- filled first within the domestic church. The community must empower itself and commit itself to the mission of proclaiming the love of the Lord. “The immigrant presence, instead of being a threat, is a gift and opportunity— ¡los inmigrantes somos un don! ” “As disciples, we are sent to proclaim THE LOVE OF OUR LORD. Now is the time for each of us to make the commitment: ‘I am going to do it!’ ” Accompanying