V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 61 at home in English groups. Through accom- paniment and mentorship, all are capable of becoming missionary disciples and effective evangelizers of their peers. Focus on social advancement and human development. The V National Encuentro del- egates also advocated for the Church to make a clear and prophetic commitment to pro- mote human development in the Hispanic/ Latino community. The burning issue in this regard is immigration: the Church must become the prophetic voice of immigrants, both through its hierarchical leaders and its lay members, irrespective of their cultural background. Advocacy must be accompa- nied by direct assistance, or at least referral to agencies that can help, for undocumented individuals and families. Education is the key to social advancement, and it must be provided to every individual in accord with their starting point and in the language they need. This begins with literacy, finances, career skills, language, citizenship, GED, and skills for healthy relationships. In addition, Catholic schools would benefit from finding ways to welcome more Hispanic/Latino students, and parishes should help immigrant parents set their children on the path to col- lege. Catholic healthcare institutions also ought to play a role in providing education for improved physical and mental health, as well as addressing some of the social challenges in the Hispanic/Latino community from a public health perspective. Last but certainly not least, parishes and ecclesial movements should col- laborate more to evangelize and provide spiri- tual and catechetical formation in settings that are accessible to people in the peripheries. Accompanying and Integrating Hispanics/ Latinos in Community Life and Leadership Be systematic and intentional, drawing on the gifts of the community. In order to integrate Hispanics/Latinos into the life and leadership of the Church at all levels, it is necessary first to identify the needs and obstacles that can hinder that integration. The hierarchy of the Church must take part in that process to support its conclusions. A systematic plan for intentional pastoral care and accompaniment can then be developed as a response to the perceived needs. It may be necessary to implement an affirmative action approach to placing key Hispanic/ Latino leaders into the decision-making bod- ies of the diocese or parish. Alternatively, new structures may need to be created, such as an advisory board for Hispanic/Latino ministry. It is also necessary to allocate human and finan- cial resources adequate to fulfill the require- ments of the plan. It would then be beneficial to strengthen or create advisory structures at the regional and national levels to set a direc- tion, offer guidelines, and share resources and effective practices. In the process of renewing the Church through pastoral ministry in a missionary key (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 33), leaders in the Hispanic/Latino community who have partic- ipated in the V Encuentro process have the advantage of experience—they know what a Church that goes forth should look like. Simply relying on them to assist in changing the approach to pastoral care and accom- paniment will advance the integration of the Latino community into the life and lead- ership of the Church. Care should be taken to ensure that this effort leads to ecclesial Regional Session 2