V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 71 God, to take on roles of pastoral leader- ship while we continue to seek the theo- logical and pastoral formation required to serve effectively in the Church. • Will serve humbly, always searching for ways to invite others to exercise and strengthen their gifts and serving as a bridge to work in a pastoral de conjunto with people of other cultures, languages, spiritualities, political viewpoints, and economic, academic, or social levels. • Will deepen our understanding of the sacramentality of the Church and grow in valuing and falling in love with the liturgy, including serving as liturgical ministers, so that it can become the source of our joy and the engine for our evangelizing action as missionary disciples. • Will safeguard, strengthen, and transmit to new generations the spirituality that is deeply ingrained in the popular religious practices and devotions of our people. • Will support and pray for our priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and lay ecclesial ministers to joyfully live the call to ministry and/or consecrated life, while we encourage and pray for the young to recognize the beauty of the call and commitment to service in the Church as a vocation. • Will not hesitate to step out of our com- fort zone to accompany those who suffer or have particular unmet needs in our communities, and to advocate for new programs and services to assist them, in collaboration with others in the Church and in the broader social environment. • Will seek a daily encuentro with Jesus Christ—in prayer, sacrament, Scripture, and/or through encounters in the periph- eries—and will generously share those experiences with others. Commitments of the Delegates