V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 81 recommendations were reiterated by the del- egates in the Leadership Development and Ministry Formation session, including: foster- ing leadership among the young; recruiting and forming new leaders and volunteers for every ministry; developing intercultural com- petencies and an understanding of Hispanic culture and ministry among priests, deacons, seminarians, and lay ecclesial ministers; nurtur- ing mentorship and the development of for- mation materials designed for the Hispanic/ Latino community with an active and dynamic pedagogical approach; increasing knowl- edge of the Catholic faith among catechists and equipping them with more effective tools and approaches to transmit the faith; and equipping pastoral leaders to do ministry and accompaniment in a missionary key, with a focus on experiences of encounter with the liv- ing Christ. In order to achieve these goals, the dele- gates also agreed that it will be necessary to develop formation programs and processes based on common standards and curricular content. They said that this should be done through a pastoral de conjunto that involves ministry leaders and instructors of all back- grounds and specializations. They also sug- gested that dioceses should engage in a process of needs assessment so that new for- mation programs can be provided in settings, geographic locations, or languages that pre- viously were not available, while ensuring that lack of legal status is not an obstacle. A few table groups recommended that Catholic schools and universities should be enlisted to do more to collaborate with and support formation for Hispanic/Latino ministry. They also suggested that existing Hispanic/Latino leaders should be guided to reflect on their strengths, gifts, and talents, so that they can engage in service based on their strengths while seeking formation to extend their capacities for service into new areas. Finally, they called for a greater openness in the Church to the contributions of Latinas in pastoral leadership, whether professionally or as volunteers. I. LITURGY AND SPIRITUALITY Nearly all of the table groups in this ses- sion agreed in their recommendation to strengthen formation for the liturgical min- istries in Hispanic/Latino communities. This implies a constant and intentional effort to identify, invite, and form new ministers to serve in a variety of capacities, through a process that strengthens the role and active participation of the laity in the liturgy without clericalizing them or diminishing the proper role and function of the clergy. A few table groups highlighted the need for greater preparation among Hispanic pastoral musi- cians or for a consistent vision and approach between English and Spanish liturgical min- isters, while continuing to support the lan- guage and unique cultural elements, cele- brations, and expressions of the liturgy in Hispanic/Latino communities. Delegates from a couple of table groups requested a renewed focus on the prepara- tion of timely homilies in Spanish incarnated in the reality of the local community to help the community make the connection between faith and life. This includes advocacy for actions of justice and charity from the pulpit, as well as addressing the hopes and dreams, challenges and sorrows of the people in every Recommendations