V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 83 D uring the V National Encuentro, dele- gates had the opportunity to discuss deeply the most successful pastoral practices in the 28 Ministerial Areas identified during the consultation. The sessions were organized by a Team consisting of two orga- nizers—one USCCB staff person and one rep- resentative of ENAVE—as well as two bish- ops and typically three nationally recognized panelists with expertise in their assigned Ministerial Area. The material in this section does not pretend to explain the totality of each Ministerial Area, much less indicate a detailed plan for the pastoral activities of the Church. Rather, it is an overview—a sharing of the fruits of the V Encuentro process—based on what has been said, what has been requested, and what has been prayed for over the course of the mis- sionary visits and Encuentros at the parish/ organizational, diocesan, and regional levels. Delegates were assigned to the Ministerial Area Sessions according to their top three areas of interest expressed in the registration process. The conversations began with a pre- sentation of the topic by the panelists, includ- ing insights from the consultation and other important points of reference for the dialogue. With the help of the Holy Spirit, delegates then had the opportunity to discern and rec- ommend the practices that the Church should promote and implement at the national level to advance the evangelizing and pastoral mis- sion of the Church in each Area. In the following pages, the description of each ministry begins with the pastoral vision for the Ministerial Area as it was articulated by the Ministerial Area Team. The second section describes in broad terms the social and religious context of this ministry in the Hispanic/Latino community. The intent here is not to overwhelm with detailed and precise Ministerial Area Sessions: Understanding and Strengthening Hispanic/Latino Ministry