V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

84 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry statistics, but rather to identify opportunities and challenges for each ministry primarily based on the pastoral reality as described by the delegates’ perceptions throughout the consultation process. The third section sum- marizes the top recommendations and prior- ities for pastoral action identified by the del- egates who attended each session at the V National Encuentro , as reported by the Team. The successful and exemplary practices men- tioned in the fourth section are drawn mostly from the top pastoral recommendations that surfaced during the Diocesan and Regional Encuentros, as well as some complementary ideas that emerged in the Sessions at the V National Encuentro. Finally, the fifth section lists some helpful organizations, books, arti- cles, and websites for each Ministerial Area. These lists donot constitute a blanket endorse- ment of the authors and organizations, nor are they intended as a complete inventory of useful resources. Rather, the Ministerial Area Teams collaborated with the National Team after the V Encuentro National Event to iden- tify a small number of prominent and well-re- ceived resources to orient and guide pastoral leaders in the Catholic Church to carry out each ministry more effectively in Hispanic/ Latino communities—always while exercising prudent pastoral discernment. Collectively, all of these sections represent the experience and wisdom of the delegates and Ministerial Area Teams. Although these pages do not of themselves form a pastoral plan, they do offer a reliable guide and a starting point for the devel- opment of plans at the organizational, par- ish, diocesan, regional and national levels. Pastoral leaders at all of these levels would do well to take the vision, context, recommenda- tions, and successful practices into account in the development of their own pastoral plans, employing careful pastoral judgment in their decisions about whether and how to imple- ment specific ideas at the local level. For most, it would not be feasible to comprehen- sively address all 28 areas in a pastoral plan. Rather, it is recommended to identify areas of greatest need for which the resources are already at hand to implement next steps, then integrate those priorities into a pastoral plan for Hispanic/Latino ministry at each level. At the diocesan, regional, and national levels, it is hoped that this overview will also serve as the basis for a renewed pastoral de conjunto that involves leaders in every ministerial area, helping them to see clearly how the pastoral reality of Hispanic/Latino ministry may require new strategies for our Church in the midst of a momentous demographic change. Over time, these strategies will filter into the plans and programs for Hispanic ministry and all other ministries in the Church. May God bless these efforts, and may the Holy Spirit guide their implementation to strengthen missionary disci- pleship in the years ahead! Ministerial Area Sessions