Hope for Refugee Children on the Border of Colombia and Venezuela

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Hope for Refugee Children on the Border of Colombia and Venezuela

April 15, 2021 By Church in Latin America

Leo Pérez, OMI

Did you notice the image that the Collection for the Church in Latin America (CLA) is using to promote its ministry this year, of a happy, laughing boy in the arms of a smiling nun? Could there be a more pleasant image to present the work of the Catholic Church in Latin America? The sisters at this childcare center are certainly bringing joy where there is much suffering. At this Columbian city which borders Venezuela, refugees are escaping the suffering of their beloved country. With the deepening socio-political crisis in Venezuela, its citizens are in survival mode with scarce food and medicine. As the situation worsens, your donations help the churches in Columbia and Venezuela relieve the distress of those most affected by this chaos. 

One of the dioceses that is a model for refugee outreach is Cúcuta, in Colombia, where CLA supports many projects to aid refugees and helps in various pastoral formation programs. The picture of the nun holding a joyous child puts a human face on the Church’s outreach. At this childcare center, Venezuelan children have a safe place to stay during the day while their parents seek out a living on the city streets. At the center, immigrant parents drop off their children in the morning before they hit the pavement trying to make a living at traffic lights selling trinkets and snacks to motorists. The sisters and lay staff at the center provide the hundreds of children a nourishing lunch in a safe environment, along with classes and Catechism lessons before their parents pick them up at the end of a long hot day working on dusty street corners. Your contributions also help this diocese sponsor vital food centers on the border between Venezuela and Colombia, along with a job training school for immigrants. A future hostel for refugees is in the planning stages.

Pope Francis reminds us, “It is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live the faith, not only with our words, but with our actions.”  Thanks to your support of the Church in Latin America Collection, the actions of your generous donations are bringing food and security, education, and smiles to those who need it most.  

The Rev. Leo Pérez, O.M.I., is an Oblate priest and director of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Collection for the Church in Latin America. 

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