April 19

Lent 2018

Good Friday


Lent is over. The joy of Easter is almost here, but today we still must journey with the Cross. Many of us have chosen to sacrifice something during Lent. However, there are those in the world that do not have that choice; many struggle to put food on the table, give their children an education, take care of ailing parents, and much more. Through our own sacrifices we stand in solidarity with those who struggle as we work to ease their suffering.


One thing we can take away from this Lent and from our encounter with the Passion of Christ is that at the heart of every sacrifice is love. When we freely sacrifice something during Lent, the goal is to do it for the love of God. How can we continue to lovingly sacrifice once Lent is over? One way is to pay attention to the people in your life, while another way is to stand in solidarity with those who suffer while working to ease their burden.


Pray the Stations of the Cross today. 


Attend the Good Friday liturgy in your parish today. (No Mass is celebrated on Good Friday.)