April 20

Lent 2018

Holy Saturday


“We by Baptism, are immersed in that inexhaustible source of life which is the death of Jesus, the greatest act of love in all of history. . .” (Pope Francis, General Audience, January 8, 2014)


As you prepare for the Paschal celebration of Easter, reflect on how well you have lived your Lenten commitments during this journey through the desert to the foot of the Cross. 


"Praise the Lord who bore the spear and who received the nails in his hands, in his feet. He entered into hell and took its spoils." 
—St. Ephrem of Syria, Hymns on the Nativity, 13.30


Attend tonight’s Easter Vigil. 

The Paschal Candle is lit at an  Easter Vigil service at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in De Pere, Wisc. CNS photo/Sam Lucero, The Compass