NEW! 2017 Respect Life Month Statement (en español)
 Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan
Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities

Thesesuggestions are meant to provide some ideas for use of the Respect Life materials. Be sure to know and follow all local policies and procedures, particularly safe environment and parental rights policies, and to obtain the appropriate permissions before moving forward. If you have any questions about applicable policies, contact your parish, school, diocese, and/or other relevant authoritative entities.



Nearly all materials are available to order or download them for FREE!
RLP 2017Hold a contest or raffle (following local laws and policies regarding such events). Place a receptacle, entry forms, and an explanatory sign beneath the poster during the month of October. Other than contact information, require that each entry include a concrete suggestion* for cherishing the gift of human life. The winning entry/entries could be drawn at random, or a prize could be given for the best idea(s)—for example, printing them in the parish bulletin and implementing them.

*Example: Parishioners could sign an oversized card made out of poster board with a specific prayer commitment for women facing unexpected pregnancies; the card could then be given to a local pregnancy care center.


RLP 2017Distribute the articles (in print or online) among other participants in Respect Life ministry to read by a certain time. Schedule a casual get-together with light refreshments or at a local café or restaurant. Discuss the articles and what was most helpful. Together, brainstorm ideas for how to use the articles as tools for reaching others compassionately with the merciful message of respect for life.

Reflection Flyer

RLP 2017

Gather with other members of Respect Life ministry to reflect upon the theme together—both for personal enrichment and to consider the ministry's activities in light of the theme for the year.

Using the Materials: General Suggestions

Resource Guide 

The Respect Life Program materials are meant to help you build a culture of life, whatever your area of work or ministry. Whether you're serving in a parish, Catholic education, faith formation, communications, or pro-life, youth, young adult, or campus ministry--there's something for you! (More Information: Respect Life Program FAQ)

(Print / en español)

RLP 2017 1. Respect Life Program: FAQ
    (en español)

2.  E-Tools to Know
    (en español)

3.  Intercessions for Life
    (en español)

4.  Respect Life Display: How To
     (en español)

5.  Youth Contest: How To     
     (en español)

6.  Youth Contest: Flyer
     (en español)

7.  Youth Contest: Judges' Score Sheet
     (en español)

8.  9 Days for Life: Leaders' Guide
     (en español)



RLP 2017

The folder can be used for more than just holding the 2017-2018 Respect Life Program materials!

For example, put a label with customized information for your organization (ministry, parish, school, diocese, etc.) on the right inside pocket, and use the folder to hold participant materials for local conferences, retreats, and gatherings.


(DOWNLOAD / Request print copy by calling toll-free 866-582-0943.)

RLP 2017
Make others aware of the variety of materials available to order from the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, ranging from prayer cards to posters and more. 

Because of the wide array available, people serving in various capacities can find helpful resources for their job or ministry. 

Give them copies of the catalog, or direct them to, where they can access it online.