NFP—Personal Reflections and Pastoral Insight

NFP has seen me through the journey from fear, to acceptance, to a great joy in my fertility."

The articles below are from married individuals and couples who practice the NFP life-style. Rooted in Catholic beliefs about the human person, human sexuality, marriage, conjugal love and responsible parenthood, these real-life stories witness to the enduring truth of Church teaching and the human experience of striving to live a life of faith in an ever challenging world.


Please be advised that the content below represents the thought of the authors. Links to external websites are provided solely for the user's convenience. Reference to these sites do not imply USCCB official endorsement.

The articles on this page may be used for educational purposes. Permission is granted for reprinting and stated at the end of each article. Questions? Contact:

Select Articles

  • NFP, The Theology of the Body, and Our Marriage, by Michael and Alysha Chambers. A couple's witness story.
  • "Patti's Story," by Patti Gutierrez. A tender two part testimonial that will make you smile: it reveals how God cares for His children! Part 1; Part 2.
  • Signs of Grace, by Jennifer Ricard. An NFP teacher shares how she and her husband embraced the Church's teachings on conjugal love and responsible parenthood.
  • The Many Dimensions of Openness to Life, by Jennifer Drees. A wife and mother shares how she and her husband decided to adopt a child.
  • The Week We Were Pregnant, by Josh Noem. A husband discusses the surprising movement to trust God in living the NFP lifestyle.

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