Be Inspired By Real-Life NFP Couples!
Discover how Natural Family Planning can support your marriage
Couples across the country are discovering Natural Family Planning! The simple, natural, and effective means of understanding a couple's fertility goes beyond the decision to avoid or achieve pregnancy. NFP methods provide husband and wife with useful information about their combined fertility and requires them to cooperate with each other and the Lord God as they build their family.
NFP methods can foster a fresh depth of intimacy (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) in a couple's marriage. Through understanding their bodies, desires, and hopes, husband and wife can grow in their spousal communication and build a deeper level of trust, commitment, and fidelity.
Since husband and wife need to learn their NFP method together, adapt their intimate spousal behavior to follow their intentions regarding when to attempt or postpone pregnancy, and use periodic sexual abstinence for the purpose of postponing conception, there will be struggles and self-sacrifice. But, as NFP couples testify, the sacrifice is worth it! NFP couples say that the discipline is necessary to individual and mutual growth as a couple. It's no wonder that married couples who practice NFP are less likely to divorce than the general population.*
Up to 99% effective and 100% natural, NFP extends the mutual care of the woman's fertility into the faithful and life-giving love of husband and wife in all aspects of their marriage.
*See for example, Richard Fehring and Michael Manhart, "Natural Family Planning and Marital Chastity: The Effects of Periodic Abstinence on Marital Relationships." Linacre Quarterly (June 12, 2020), where the divorce rate for NFP couples is lowered by 31-41% compared to the general American population.