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of sin, the Holy Spirit renews us interiorly through a spiritual transforma-

tion. He enlightens and strengthens us . . . ”


The Gospel is indeed very

good news.

Our bodies and sexuality are included in Christ’s work of redemption,

which brings about a new creation that is fulfilled in the glory of the final

coming of the Kingdom of God (see Rom 8:18-23). The human body has

such great dignity! In the Incarnation, the divine Son assumed a complete

human nature, body and soul. By his Resurrection, we look forward to the

resurrection of our own bodies. In Baptism, our bodies are made temples of

the Holy Spirit (see 1 Cor 6:19). Certainly, none of us is free from weak-

ness and concupiscence, which remain after Baptism. Each of us is caught

up in the drama of sin and redemption; we are challenged to put selfishness

aside and to strive always toward more perfect love. But the Lord invites

us with all our weaknesses to trust and abide in him: “My grace is sufficient

for you, for power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9).



“Have mercy on me, God, in accord with your merciful love; /

in your abundant compassion blot out my transgressions.”

(Ps 51:3)


he Church’s teaching on the harm and sinfulness of

pornography is grounded in the greater “yes” or affirmation of

the inviolable dignity of the human person revealed fully in

Christ and the gift of human sexuality and marriage in God’s

plan. When the Church follows the Lord in upholding the truth of the

human person, this involves rejecting anything that would harm that

truth. The greater “yes” to the Lord sheds light on the corresponding

“no” to the darkness of sin, including injustice. In our duty as pastors and

shepherds to proclaim Christ, we must state clearly that all pornography is

immoral and harmful and using pornography may lead to other sins, and

possibly, even crimes.