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“A clean heart create for me, God.”

(Ps 51:12)


s pastors of the Catholic Church, we offer this statement

to give a word of hope and healing to those who have

been harmed by pornography and to raise awareness of

its pervasiveness and harms.


In the confessional and in

our daily ministry and work with families, we have seen the corrosive

damage caused by pornography—children whose innocence is stolen;

men and women who feel great guilt and shame for viewing pornography

occasionally or habitually; spouses who feel betrayed and traumatized; and

men, women and children exploited by the pornography industry. While

the production and use of pornography has always been a problem, in

recent years its impact has grown exponentially, in large part due to the

Internet and mobile technology. Some have even described it as a public

health crisis. Everyone, in some way, is affected by increased pornography

use in society. We all suffer negative consequences from its distorted view

of the human person and sexuality. As bishops, we are called to proclaim

anew the abundant mercy and healing of God found in Jesus Christ, our

Lord and Savior, and through his Church.

The audience of this statement is broad because pornography affects

so many people’s lives and requires a collaborative, concentrated effort by

all of us to counter its harms. The statement itself is addressed primarily

to parents, clergy, diocesan and parish leaders, educators, mental health

professionals, and all those in positions to help protect children from

pornography and heal the men, women, and young people who have been

harmed by its use. We also hope the statement will be helpful for men,

women, and young people who themselves view pornography, whether

occasionally or habitually, or who have been victimized by pornography.

Finally, we speak to religious allies and all people of good will who want to

work together toward a culture of purity that upholds the dignity of every

person and the sacredness of human sexuality.